to Stanley Hauerwas

By author

Stanley Hauerwas has been the kind of creative thinker and provocative theologian our age requires. He has been a particular mentor to me and others like me who are trying to sort out a practical theology within the American and secular contexts in which we find ourselves. He is a saint of my devotion, not because I agree with him in all things, but because he has a way of making me...
C. Andrew Doyle
Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Texas
Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Stanley Hauerwas changed my life.  As an undergraduate aiming for law school, he told me “Lawyers are a dime a dozen” and got me thinking about graduate studies in theology.  As a grad student, he was my Doktorvater.  From him I...
William T. Cavanaugh
Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology, DePaul University, Chicago
For many of us caught in the deserts of American Protestantism, Stanley was the fresh drink of water we needed. He opened new ground to be ploughed, for new seed to be sown, so a new crop of theologians could bear witness to God’s work in Christ for the cultural challenges we are facing. He has left an indelible mark on us, changing the way we do and think theology, indeed opening...
David E. Fitch
BR Lindner Chair of Theology
Northern Seminary, Chicago
The morning of my dissertation defense, right before my defense time, I said a Eucharist in Goodson Chapel to offer my labor to God. Stanley didn’t have to come - he wasn’t on my committee - but he did. It meant the world to me.
Kara N. Slade
Theologian in Residence
Princeton Theological Seminary
My life and ministry have been blessed by Stanley's friendship.  One learns quite early in a friendship with Stanley, not to ask him his opinion if you do not want the unvarnished truth.  Now, in this wonderful gathering, you too can get the full-frontal Hauerwas.  Get ready to be smacked by the truth in Jesus' name!  One more thing, it has been said of Stanley, as it was said of Barth, that...
Will Willimon
Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, UMC Bishop
Duke Divinity School
Stanley Hauerwas is a rare gift to the church because he refuses to be bound by the rules of the academy in the same way that he refuses to allow us to confine Israel and the church’s God within the walls of our theology. He is a rare gift insofar as he amplifies the voices of those whom establishment theologians would rather ignore in their discomfort—voices like the cognitively impaired...
John C. Nugent
Professor of Bible & Theology
Great Lakes Christian College
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